Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Welcome To Nova Scotia!

Good Day fellow Nova Scotians, and Tourists; past present and future. If you have found your way here, then in some way Nova Scotia is of interest to you and I hope you will enjoy this blog and follow along.

Having grown up in Nova Scotia, I have had the great pleasure of enjoying it's beauty all my life. This place may be described quiet by some, but you truly can't beat the beauty and history thais all over this Peninsula.

My favorite thing about Nova Scotia is the shore, more specific the Lighthouses that line the shoreline. I have always had a thing for lighthouses, and last year I decided that some day I would visit as many lighthouses in Nova Scotia as I possibly could. This year I have made it a point to actually make that goal a reality. Below is a google map with ALL of the lighthouses in Nova Scotia marked on it:

There sure are a lot of them eh?? So far I've been to just 10 of them. A few of them I visited from a distance a couple of years ago so I do need to make it a point to revisit them and get some better photos. I sure made an ambitious goal for myself didn't I?? Oh well, I am up for the challenge! Now in my researches there are some that cannot be accessed and some others that I will only be able to see from afar, but other than that I should easily be able to see the majority of them.

Their beauty is intriging, my photos are a great record of my visits and it has been a great learning experience as well as I do take the time to look up each Lighthouse and learn about it's history. Lighthouse Friends has been an fantastic resource site with all the info I need including driving directions to get to these beautiful structures. I reccomend this site to anyone who would like to visit any of the Lighthouses in Nova Scotia, or anywhere in Canada or the US for that matter because that site covers them all!!

So over the next few days (or maybe even weeks) I will be posting photos and telling my stories to go along with the Lighthouses I have already had the pleasure of seeing. Now, I know I won't be out at a lighthouse every day or even every week, BUT there are other points of interest I'm sure I will be visiting or that I will pass by and those things I will be showing you also so you can get a real feel for what Nova Scotia has to offer.

With all that said I am going to end my first entry and I hope you will return to see what I've been up to soon. :)
Happy Travels!

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