Thursday, June 24, 2010

Balancing Rock

While on Long Island and in Tiverton it was decided to go see the famous Balancing Rock. It was a long hike out through the woods (a few km at least!). It was a pretty wooded area, with mini swamp areas to get over via skinny hiking bridges. Some of the terrain made for tough walking as it was rocky and felt a lot like trudging through a few inches of snow. Of course, the slight but constant incline made it a bit difficult as well.After all that hiking was done, there was a ¼ mile worth of stairs (235 to be exact!) to go down. Now 235 stairs didn’t sound all that bad, but these stairs were different shapes, different sizes, different lengths, different steeps, and on top of that the rails were shaky (and it specifically said not to lean on them) and half of the stairs were rotted out so you really needed to take it slow and carefully plan every step you took on the way down.
Once at the bottom there is the Balancing Rock. All that effort and time for 5 minutes of starring and picture taking that didn’t seem worth nearly enough. Especially when it was in the back of my mind that I had to climb up all 235 crazy stairs and walk all the way back out of the woods to get back to my car. If you are a person that enjoys that sort of thing (walking trails / hiking / nature etc) then I highly recommend this trip, if it’s not something in your normal activity likes than think long and hard before heading out just to “see” what’s at the end.

It was very cool to see, and the kids enjoyed the “adventure” but I know this girl is NOT going back there any time soon if ever! LOL I am glad that I went, and even more glad to have my pictures…. If I get the urge to want to see it again I’ll just get out the scrapbooks and remember the time. J

Happy Travels & Sight Seeing


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