Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Lighthouse Cuts Deadline is Quickly Approaching!!!

It breaks my heart whenever the topic of Lighthouse closures comes up. Especially with the way the Government has been demolishing important structures of our history, I fear for the future of a lot of Lighthouses not only in Nova Scotia, but across the entire country. I am especially partial to the ones here in Nova Scotia. Lighthouses are a point of interest to many people all over the world, and as a province who depends on the Tourist season we NEED these things that draw so many here kept "alive" so to speak. Here is a link to my original post back in 2010 when the topic first came up http://nslights.blogspot.ca/2010/06/lighthouses-are-diing-breed.html and Here is the latest news release about the topic ( http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/story/2012/03/08/ns-save-lighthouses-petitions.html)

Now it has been posted for sometime that there are opportunities to save some of these lights by applying to have them made Heritage Sights and save them from being demo'd, unfortunately it is quite a process, a lot more than just making a petition and gathering some signatures.

Right now there are more than 60 Lighthouses on the list in Nova Scotia alone, and only 14 are on the list to be saved so far. The deadline is May 29th, 2012, and that day is quickly approaching. If anyone is interested in learning more about what it takes to save a lighthouse, or if you are interested in helping out there are a few links below that can help educate you of the process and what is already going on.

Anomg those that are on the these lists some that have yet to be nominated are: Black Rock, Prim Point, Cape St. Mary, Cape Forchu, heck even Peggy's Point is on the list of Active lights on the chopping block!! Peggy's Point is one of the MOST photographed structures in the WORLD!! Isn't that worth saving!?!?! Now I would think most of these listed above already have paper work in progress (or at least I hope) but can we really be sure?? On the inactive list, one that hits close to home is the Bear River Light. I just find this all mind blowing and it really sets me off.... I wish I would win the lottery or something and use the money for good and help save as many of these beauties as I could!

Here is the list of Lighthouses that has been nominated so far:

I am not writing to single anyone out or make anyone feel bad, I only hope I can help build some awareness and if I'm lucky help a Lighthouse... or 2.... or 10 in this final push to the deadline.

Thank you so much for reading! If there ever was a time to get out there and plan your trip to see some of these amazing structures now is the time.... some may not be around much longer. You can see a nearly complete list of the Lighthouses of Nova Scotia and their individual history and location of each one at Lighthouse Friends dot com.


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