The only thing that seems to suit my initial reaction to this Lighthouse Adventure is – OMF!! (Oh My FOG!!). This Fog was like no other Fog I had ever seen! It was think as Peanut Butter…yes I know someone is going to email me and say “thick as Pea Soup” and if that does happen, yes I will respond “you eat what you like and I eat what I like” (if you don’t recognize the movie I am referencing then I apologize as this whole paragraph with have been a big waste of your time. Lol).
Getting back on track, this was the scariest trip out to a lighthouse to date. Sure I expect foggy conditions at times, that partially why there are lighthouses to begin with, but I never expected anything like this! It wasn’t just at the light either. We traveled a good 15 minutes or more on a road where we couldn’t see past our front bumper! I was NOT the best “co-pilot” to have that day, I was freaking out…. Mostly by constantly saying “slow down” even though we were already going 20 under the speed limit.
All of a sudden the “pilot” stopped the van, I asked him what he was doing why were we stopped, I was actually starting to panic as I couldn’t see a thing, then I may have let out a scream as I saw the reason why he stopped. From within the fog I saw a GIANT (that maybe was said a little over dramatically), structure emerge. When I look at the pictures and think back to that moment I will admit it was kinda cool, but in that moment in time I was pretty terrified, and I had ever y right to be. There standing in front of us, fairly close I might add) was this lighthouse, but I couldn’t see the ledge, I couldn’t see where the water was, or how close we were to it, I couldn’t see the road behind us where we had driven in, there was nothing but a bunch of FOG to be seen.
Pilot of course is not happy with where we were and needed to get closer, again I was not being a good co-pilot, but as we got closer the fog began to thin out some and we could see the lighthouse a little better (ok, good call on the Pilots part I guess)…. But it was still thick enough that not a whole lot could be seen around us.
Getting back on track, this was the scariest trip out to a lighthouse to date. Sure I expect foggy conditions at times, that partially why there are lighthouses to begin with, but I never expected anything like this! It wasn’t just at the light either. We traveled a good 15 minutes or more on a road where we couldn’t see past our front bumper! I was NOT the best “co-pilot” to have that day, I was freaking out…. Mostly by constantly saying “slow down” even though we were already going 20 under the speed limit.
It goes without saying that the Fog Horn was blasting non-stop so here is what that noisy thing looked like sitting out there behind the lighthouse. Speaking of the Fog Horn, when I was reading about the lighthouse in the book I have it was saying how it attracted MOOSE with its sound…. Yeah, another GOOD reason to not be out there unable to see and certainly a good reason to stay in the vehicle when ya can’t see what is around you.
Obviously I had quite an experience going out to see this lighthouse, even though it was stressing me out at the time It’s a great story to have to tell and share and a memory to add to the books J
Happy & SAFE Travels!
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