Well folks, it's that time of year again.... Wharf Rat Rally is here! Well I guess I should say WRR was here, as things will soon be coming to an end for another year. How did my WRR week start? Well, the same way a previous WRR started.... with my brother bringing home one of these from work! (the lucky duck!) Pure torture I tell ya having her sit in my yard and not take her out for a drive, but anyone who knows me knows how crazy I am about Mustangs and this one sure was a beauty (for not being a classic anyway).

It has been a good Rally this year, in fact the first one that I've really had the opportunity to enjoy, and even though I was a bit disappointed that the Beaver Tails Truck didn't show up this year, the Giant pretzels more than made up for it!! They were awesome! Anyway, usually I don't get out to see the "night life" of the event because of the kids, but this year I have been fortunate enough to get some much needed free time. On the other end of the spectrum, we are moving, and I have had to use a lot of my time to focus on packing, we certainly we not able to move stuff this week, just too much hassle trying to get around the street closures, but hopefully I've gotten enough done to get a good head start as soon as everyone clears out. With that said I didn't really get to take a whole lot of pictures this year like I have in the past, but I will share with you some of what I do have.
Crowd from far end of town.
streets and vendors
absolutely LOVED the paint job on the tank of this one.
I really liked the color of this one. So sparkly... yeah, sorry, leave it to me to make a Harley sound girly. LOL Speaking of Harley's I REALLY wish I took pics inside the HD tent... there was an Orange one I wanted to take home with me SO bad! :)
some fancy work being shown off at the custom bike vendors
One thing the kids and I couldn't get enough of was the Hub City Stunters. It liked that they were close by down by the wharf. I could see them from my house, but as soon as the boys would hear a show start we'd have to take a walk down to watch.....nearly EVERY time! LOL They even waited in line one of the times after the performance to get autographs from all the riders. Pretty cool. :)
One last thing I can't forget! A quick shout out to
Jokers Right! I used to go see these guys every summer when I lived up the Valley, (usually around Apple Blossom time), and I really enjoy their music and style, so I was very excited to be able to get out tonight and see them preform. :)
Ok, well, it's late...but the night is still young so I am heading out to enjoy my Saturday night by walking across town and entering Club 98 for the first time, a person who can count on 1 hand how many times she's been in a bar or club in her whole life, that isn't a fan of crowded places.... who drinks once a year( if she's lucky)...... things could get interesting! For anyone who is reading that is nearby and also heading out, or just heading out where ever you are, play it safe! Tomorrow is worth waking up to see. :)